Tori braved the heat and spent two and half weeks in the hot, humid,
lushy green of Mississippi! We are so grateful she was able to come and do a lot of r & r. She shopped,
texted, watched movies,
texted, drove to
texted, shopped some more,
texted, took a tour of Sun Studio,
texted, had a night on the town in the middle of BEALE street,
texted, saw the big gaping Mississippi river,
texted, caught frogs,
texted, got a million mosquito bites,
texted, and talked a lot to her
cooky aunt Stacy. It was awesome to get to know Tori better and spend some good quality time with her. She's not a little lady anymore, she's a Woman and a gorgeous one too! Best wishes to her in the upcoming senior year. May lots of fun times roll ahead... Come again anytime. We love you, Ms. Tori.